Japanese prints of the XVIII –XIX century from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts







In the index all the names of artists, publishers, carvers and historical figures are based on Japanese tradition (last name, first name). Each artist had a unique name (artistic pseudonym), and last name (shown his relation to the dynasty, in capital letters) traditionally was not mentioned, so the artists in the index are divided by the names in alphabetical order of the English (Russian, Japanese) language.

Publishers, carvers and historical figures are divided by the names in alphabetical order of the English (Russian, Japanese) language.


KOBAYASHI Kiyochika / 小林清親 1847 - 1915
TORII Kiyomitsu II / 二代目鳥居清満 1788-1869
TORII Kiyonaga / 鳥居清長 1752 - 1815
HASEGAWA Konobu II / 二代目長谷川小信 1859 (or 1866) - 1886
ISODA Koryusai / 磯田湖龍齋 Active c. 1766-1788
UTAGAWA Kuniaki I / 初代目歌川国明 Active c. 1850–1860
TOYOHARA Kunichika / 豊原国周 1835 - 1900
UTAGAWA Kunihisa II / 二代目歌川国久 1832-1891
UTAGAWA Kunimaru / 歌川 国丸 1794 - 1829
UTAGAWA Kunimasu / 歌川国升 Active c. late 1820s–1852
UTAGAWA Kuninao / 歌川国直 1793 - 1854
UTAGAWA Kunisada II / 二代目歌川国貞 1823 - 1880
UTAGAWA Kunisada I / 初代目歌川国貞 1786 - 1864
UTAGAWA Kuniteru II / 二代目歌川国輝 1829/1830 - 1874
UTAGAWA Kuniteru I / 初代目歌川国輝 Active c. 1818–1870
UTAGAWA Kunitomi / 歌川国富 Active c. middle XIX century
UTAGAWA Kuniyasu / 歌川国安 1794 - 1832
UTAGAWA Kuniyoshi / 歌川国芳 1797 - 1861
KAWANABE Kyosai / 河鍋暁斎 1831 - 1889
KAWANABE Kyosui / 河鍋暁翠 1868 - 1935
IIJIMA Kōga / 飯島光峨 1829 - 1900


KATADA Chojirō / 片田長次郎

Including: carver

Active c. 1860s-1904
KAWACHIYA Chōzō / 河内屋長蔵 Active c. 1844-1852, 1856
KAWACHIYA Genshichi / 河内屋源七 Active c. 1802-19
KOSHIMURAYA Heisuke / 越村屋平助 Active c. 1843-65
KAZUSAYA Iwazō / 上総屋岩蔵 Active c. 1842-55
KOZIMAYA Jūbei / 小島屋重兵衛 Active c. 1797-1869
KASUKE / かすけ
KOGAYA Katsugorō / 古賀屋勝五郎(古河屋勝五郎) Active c. 1843-74
KAGAYA Kichiemon / 加賀屋吉右衛門 Active c. 1815-1850
KIKUYA Kihei / 菊屋喜兵衛 Active c. second part of XVIII century
KODAMA Matashichi / 児玉又七 Active c. 1880-94
KIYA Sojirō / 木屋宗次郎 Active c. 1851-1904
KOBAYASHI Tetsujirō / 小林鉄次郎 Active c. second half of XIX century - first half of the XX century


KINUGASA Fusajirō / 衣笠房次郎 Active c. 1843-1852